Randy Rolfe helps young people break through the noise and controversy about food, diet, and health, and discover what it takes to be vibrantly healthy, and free from chronic disease.
Bombarded by mixed messages from advertising, social media, government, medical news, and popular myths, students feel frustrated and confused. A nutritionist and bestselling author, Randy gives students the clarity they need to gain confidence and control. She shows them how their small daily choices have big impact, for staying in shape, feeling awesome, enjoying food without guilt, focusing well, acing exams, and still having energy for sports and for friends.

Meet Randy
Randy Rolfe began as a litigation lawyer at a top Philadelphia firm, but she soon discovered she could have greater impact sharing her knowledge of nutrition and family health. A Renaissance woman, Randy was inspired early by world travels with her parents. Her ninth book, The Single Ingredient Diet: Transform your Relationship to Food in Just 21 Days, is an Amazon bestseller in Diet Therapy.
She first discovered the impact of diet as a young news reporter. She asked a Hungarian doctor about his conference topic, and learned that Hungarians had less cancer because of their diet. After sampling organic eating with her 90 year old uncle and his wife, she and her husband decided on radical change.
After her certification in nutrition, Randy’s first book, You Can Postpone Anything But Love, on parenting and family health, led to a coaching career at her Institute for Creative Solutions. She has been guest expert on 50 TV talk shows and 100s of radio and podcast shows.
She has spoken at colleges and universities in PA, CA, and NY, and to diverse groups, from Native American families to recovery centers and modeling contestants. She was education director for 3 natural food stores and NutrtiSystems.
Randy’s passion for helping students comes from her experiences earning top honors at school, university, two law schools, and graduate school. She also served on the law school faculty, teaching legal writing to incoming students. She strives to serve as a model of living life to the fullest.
Randy's Speaking Topics
Randy Rolfe helps young people break through the noise and controversy about food, diet, and health, and discover what it takes to be vibrantly healthy, and free from chronic disease.
The 5 Best Lifestyle Habits for a Winning College Career
Young people ask if it is worth living to old age when so many people are suffering, at younger and younger ages, from diabetes, heart problems, obesity, and other chronic diseases. In this talk, students will discover how careful scientific studies have shown that these diseases are largely preventable with just 5 simple lifestyle habits which add 10 or more years of disease-free life.
Bestselling author and nutritionist Randy Rolfe inspires students to:
Improve college life with these 5 habits
Make smart choices for energy, mental focus, and balanced mood
Use food for mental and physical performance

Are We Naturally Weak-Willed and Lazy?
Authorities tell us that all we need to stay healthy is to eat a variety of foods and watch our calories. But the obesity epidemic continues to grow. We get blamed for lacking will power to resist ultra-processed foods and for being too lazy to exercise. But nutrition expert Randy Rolfe busts this myth by showing that those foods actually make us that way.
Her audience finds out how to take control with:
The four worst foods to eat when you’re down
The best foods for exam prep
The Wizard of Oz guide to healthy diet
The Seven Steps To Carefree Eating
Is meat bad or good? How about sugar substitutes? What about wheat gluten? College students face a bewildering world of ever-present food and confusing advice. There’s the “freshman 15,” but then also self-doubt, guilt, and loss of self-esteem. Nutrition and parenting expert Randy Rolfe helps young people discover the pleasure and purpose of eating.
She shares seven steps to taking back control:
Start the day right
Think before you eat
Avoid the four worst foods
Minimize the chemicals
Honor your digestion
Stick with real foods
Skip counting calories, carbs, or reps

Randy's Testimonials
Randy Rolfe helps young people break through the noise and controversy about food, diet, and health, and discover what it takes to be vibrantly healthy, and free from chronic disease.

“I have the pleasure of knowing Randy Rolfe for over 20 years. Randy has participated as a keynote speaker at regional, domestic, and international events that I have coordinated. Her presentations are relevant, up to date, and exciting. Randy's knowledge and professionalism are evident in her presentations. Her passion for her subject matter, healthy nutrition, is an informative and engaging experience for her audience. I highly recommend Randy for your next event.”
Gary M. Lindner, Ph.D., President and CEO of Selfcare Awakening

“I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Randy Rolfe for many years, and her passion for inspiring others is unparalleled. With a law degree and expertise across a wide range of subjects, Randy brings depth and authority to every topic she addresses. Having authored nine books, including her latest on nutrition, she combines knowledge with a natural ability to engage and captivate audiences. Randy’s presentations are not just informative—they are memorable events that leave a lasting impact. I have complete confidence in her ability to deliver powerful and transformative experiences as a speaker.”
Jeff Isom, Director of Sales and Training, Nikken Inc.

“Randy Rolfe delivered a compelling presentation. Her insights into nutrition, sleep, and exercise were both enlightening and actionable. She provided practical steps for achieving a balanced, healthier, and longer life. She excelled at interacting with her audience, making her presentation especially enjoyable. I highly recommend Randy for her engaging and impactful strategy for promoting wellness.”
Fred Fromhold, Esq., Speakers Chairman (2023-2024)

"Randy Rolfe is one of the best experts to ever sit on our stage."
Geraldo Rivera, TV Host of The Geraldo Rivera Show, CBS
“Randy Rolfe’s passionate, knowledgeable speaking engagements help audiences understand that ‘Your body is on your side!’ no matter the frustrations experienced, recently or over a lifetime. Rolfe reveals the key sources of health and wellness with a compassion and clarity that is rare in the current confusing marketplace. Her presentations offer a compass for audiences, so that they can move confidently to build their personal health and that of their family.”
Dawn Mazzone, social entrepreneur, founder of Creative Economy Enterprises, LLC
Lets Connect
Randy Rolfe helps young people break through the noise and controversy about food, diet, and health, and discover what it takes to be vibrantly healthy, and free from chronic disease.